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Done the Moranz Way - Moranz Family Video by Roy Moranz Halloween Minotaur Costume Video by Roy Moranz
Roy Moranz GoPro Scuba in Boracay Philippines Roy Moranz Downhill Mountain Biking in Winter Park Colorado with Ryan Moranz and gang.
Roy Moranz in the Crested Butte Terrain Park Heli Skiing/Boarding with Aaron Suzuki, Haines Alaska (AK)
Roy Moranz mountain biking 401 Trail, Crested Butte Colorado Roy Moranz Indoor rock climbing at Planet Granite and taking a fall

Highland Community College graduation commencement speech:

Highland Community College graduation commencement speech by Roy Moranz

I recently rekindled my passion for drawing. I was captivated by my fathers ability to create a caricature within seconds, with a few simple strokes and a smile. Here is a glimpse of a series of recent drawing that reflect my respect for equality. Societal mores, the media, and the forces of history often distort who we are, pigeonholing us and creating an artificial sense of separation and difference when in fact, we are one. We can all embrace our diversity and still recognize that we share innate commonalities as human beings.

Roy Moranz Charcoal Drawing Roy Moranz Charcoal Drawing

New series, on panel board.

Roy Moranz Charcoal Drawing Roy Moranz Charcoal Drawing Roy Moranz Charcoal Drawing


Roy Moranz Photography Roy Moranz Photography

Roy Moranz Photography

Roy Moranz Photography

Roy Moranz Photography Roy Moranz Photography

More pictures of Roy Moranz

www.roymoranz.com Roy Moranz email